Beam Caps
- We offer custom sizes to fit your exposed beams.
- Indicate the beam width, side height desired, and length in inches. Enter fractions as decimals.
- Standard front angle is 90 degrees. Indicate if an angle other than 90 degrees is desired in the box below.
- 12oz, 16oz, or 20oz Bright Copper, 16oz Freedom Gray Copper, 26ga or 24ga Galvanized, Rezibond, 26ga or 24ga Galvalume, and 0.032″ Kynar Aluminum.
- Pac Clad Color Chart
- All exposed edges are hemmed.
- Joints and corners are soldered on solderable materials and riveted and sealed on non-solderable (aluminum and galvalume) materials.
- Enter Desired Length, Width, & Height in Inches. Enter fractions as decimals. Note the front angle if other than 90 degrees. Maximum length is 96 inches. Email us for a quote for longer units.
- See the Shopping Cart for QUANTITY DISCOUNTS. Discounts will be given for multiple units of the same size.
- 48 State Ground Shipping is included.
- Approximate Lead Time ~ 1-2 Weeks.
Category: Beam, Column, & Post Caps
Tags: BEAM CAP, beam cover, beam protection, best method to shield exposed horizontal roof beams, capping wood beams, COPPER BEAM CAP, Copper Caps that cover the front and top of your exposed beam, corbel caps, Custom Beam Caps, decorative wood beam caps, exterior metal beam caps, Hand forged beam caps for a timber frame home, Low Profile Copper Beam Caps, metal flashing over exterior wood beam, pergula cap, Post & Beam Accents, Preserving exposed wood timbers, Protecting Exposed Wood Beams, Rafter tail caps, restore wood beams, Roof Beam Caps, sheet metal cap for wooden beam, trellis cap